This past year, I often found myself feeling down and anxious about the things we haven't accomplished yet at the brewery. We don't have our own kitchen yet, even though I announced our plans to do that in a blog post a whole year ago. We didn't get a chance to put out flower baskets on the porch and patio last spring. We don't have a steady lineup of entertainment in the taproom yet. We’re constantly behind on updating our website and doing chalk art for the menu. We run out of our staple beers, and end up short-staffed from time to time. Costs of operating are high and profit margins in this brewing world are tight. The list of things to do and things to worry about goes on and on. It becomes easy to forget that we have so, so much to be thankful for.

There's this trend that’s becoming more and more popular that I really like, which is to pick a one word "resolution" for the year. A mantra to remember all year long. It may be trendy, but I've done it in past years, and I think this trend deserves its popularity. I’ve found that if I pick a word or phrase that is meaningful to me, it can be a powerful way of steering my mindset all year long.

In 2020, my word is GRATITUDE. I'm going to start focusing on the many, many things we have to be grateful for - starting with YOU. Forget about all the things we haven’t done yet, our customers have made 2019 a great year for Dimes Brewhouse. It was only our 2nd year in business, and we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were at the end of our 1st year.

We now have TWO tap towers, not just one, and Chad and Nick have done an amazing job of keeping them FULL with quality IPAs, sours, malt-forward ales, wines, meads, ciders, and non-alcoholic options of craft sodas, kombucha and sparkling green tea. These two brewers are never satisfied with the status quo. They are continuously tweaking the process to try to create the best product possible in the most efficient way. And you, our loyal customers, have kept them very, very busy by coming back, trying new things, and quickly draining your favorites! Thank you so much for your business. We know there are plenty of watering holes and breweries that you can choose to patronize, and we sincerely thank you for keeping Dimes Brewhouse at the top of your list.

In 2020 we have a lot to look forward to. Hopefully we’ll complete those goals from last year that we didn’t quite get to, and more. As we step into year 3 of business, we still feel like there is still so much growing to do. We always welcome honest feedback. We want all our Mad Chemist Club members and loyal customers to feel invested in Dimes - we are Your Friendly Village Brewery, and we’re excited to do everything we can to live up to our slogan.

Cheers to a 2020 full of peace, good fortune, kindness, and many things to be grateful for.

-Michelle and the Dimes Brewhouse Team