For the last few months, something pretty cool has been going on quietly behind the scenes around Lansing. Lansing area breweries have banded together to create a group called the Greater Lansing Brewers (GLB). Each month, a meeting is held at one of the member breweries, and we plot how to take over the world! Err… Ahem, I mean, we toss around ideas about how to foster a collaborative spirit in the Lansing area, centered around the many breweries that now are up and operating! We have discussed everything from events, to bus tours, to brewery “passports” and more.

Keep a lookout this February for the first big thing that the GLB is planning - a barrel-aged beer event to warm our bellies this winter! We can’t spill all the details yet, but it will involve barrel-aged beers, samples at each of the participating breweries, swag/prizes, and good times all around.


-Your Friendly Village Brewery

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